
The nature or behavior of a number comes from its ruling planet.


There are nine single numbers. 

The relationship of numbers to planets is the key to numerology. 

In the Hindu system, this relationship is the same as in the West, with the two following exceptions.

The number 4 in the Hindu system corresponds to Rahu (the north node of the Moon), whereas in the West this number is related to the Sun and Uranus.

The number 7 in the Hindu system corresponds to Ketu (the south node of the Moon), whereas in the West it is related to the Moon and Neptune. 

Planet Number Behavioral Nature.

The Sun is the ruling planet of people born on day:

1, 10, 19, or 28 of any month.

  • The Sun is the father of our solar system, around which all of our planets revolve.
  • All living forms within our solar system depend on the Sun for their lifeforce.
  • The Sun gives an assertive, individualistic, exuberant, and proud nature.
  • The Sun represents purifying male energy.
  • It is lord of the East. 
  • The Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are friends of the Sun. 
  • Saturn, Venus, Rahu, and Ketu(north and south nodes of the Moon) are its enemies.
  • Mercury has a neutral relationship.
  • According to astrologers, the Sun passes through one of the twelve zodiac signs each month.

kinglike, kind, royal, disciplined, authoritative, strong, original

The Sun is the ruling planet of people born on day:

1, 10, 19, or 28 of any month.

  • The Sun is the father of our solar system, around which all of our planets.
  • All living forms within our solar system depend on the Sun for their lifeforce.
  • The Sun gives an assertive, individualistic, exuberant, and proud nature.
  • The Sun represents purifying male energy.
  • It is lord of the East. 
  • The Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are friends of the Sun. 
  • Saturn, Venus, Rahu, and Ketu(north and south nodes of the Moon) are its enemies.
  • Mercury has a neutral relationship.
  • According to astrologers, the Sun passes through one of the twelve zodiac signs each month.

Health /Diet

They are advised to use foods that purify the blood and refrain from hard work after reaching the age of 65.

Massaging the body with sesame or almond oil to maintain good blood circulation. 

Any exercises that enhance circulation can be very helpful to them. 

They should not ingest foods that increase acidity.

Their temperament is bile- dominated (pitta), and they need to maintain an alkaline blood Exposure to sun and heat also aggravates bile. 

Bile is naturally aggravated in summer and autumn, and at noon and midnight. 

Bile gets aggravated by anger, grief, fear, physical exertion, improper digestion, and the use of bitter, pungent, acidic, salty, and dry substances. 

They should avoid oily foods, fish, meat, wine, yogurt (curd), and whey; they also should not eat in the late hours of the evening.

Before starting on any medicine they should use Mukta pishthi (powdered pearls) and manikya pishthi (powdered rubies). Powdered rubies provide strength during their weak period, and powdered pearls help to keep their body chemistry alkaline.


Fasting all day on Sunday and eating salt-free fasting food

(such as sweet chickpea bread and milk sweetened with dates, flavored with cardamom and anise) once a day before sunset is beneficial for all number 1 people. Fasting for purification of the blood on lemon water for three days is also good occasionally in summer and autumn when the bile is naturally aggravated.


Ones are prescribed to meditate on the rising Sun. If this is not possible, they should meditate on a Deity

Their deity is the Sun – god.

The Sun is personified as seated on a pink lotus in lotus posture. While driving a chariot led by seven white horses, he is holding lotus flowers in his hands, giving blessings.



Number 1s should repeat the above mantra 7,000 times within the ascending cycle of the moon.

The Moon and Number 2

the ruling planet of people born on days 

2, 11, 20, or 29 of any month.

  • The Moon reflects this sunlight through its alchemical reflector, which is made of a special gem material called chandra mukhi mani (moon crystals). 

Those crystals reflect the sunlight, adding to it colors and hues of light that have a medicinal effect on our planet. For this reason medicinal plants grow more at night under the moonlight. 

The Sun, Mars, and Jupiter are its friends while Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and

Ketu are its enemies

Sun rays are charged with positive ions; 

the Moon converts these into life-giving negative ions. 

The Moon is known as lord of herbs and medicinal plants in the Ayurvedic scriptures. 


Number 2 people are supposed to meditate on Lord Shiva. If they have no way of meditating on Shiva, they can start the day with meditation on a pearl, crystal, moonstone, or quartz.


Their deity is Shiva. He is seated on a tiger skin in lotus posture, holding a trident in his left hand and conferring blessings with his right hand. A stream of water is coming out from his matted locks.

Shiva is smiling and looking with love through his half-open eyes.


Japa (repetition) of the mantra of any planet should be completed within the ascending cycle of the moon and should be repeated the prescribed number of times.


Either of the above two mantras can be recited. 

The prescribed number of mantra repetitions is eleven thousand.


Number 2’s need to massage their body regularly. 

They should take freshly ground black pepper and honey the first thing in the morning. Fenugreek seeds should be taken with soups or vegetables. If possible they should use almond paste, made by grinding almonds on a stone tablet or in a blender. The almonds should be soaked overnight and peeled. 

They should avoid becoming addicted to coffee or tobacco and constipating foods. 

Once a month they should do an inner purification, drinking only water with lemon. Taking homemade buttermilk and other foods that clean the lower abdominal tract is good for their health.


On Mondays they should fast and after sunset they should avoid salt, spices, grains, pulses, or any solid foods.

If necessary, they can use a purifying tea made from herbs (mint, dandelion, fenugreek) or drink fresh fruit juices (canned or bottled juices should not be used). They can also fast on buttermilk or water with half a lemon squeezed into each glass. Fasting on full moon days, as mentioned above, is very beneficial for their psyche.

Jupiter and Number 3


Spiritual, counseling, friendly, self-centered, disciplined 

Jupiter is the ruling planet of people born on day 

3, 12, 21, or 30 of any month. 

  • Jupiter is a giant, self-illuminating planet that radiates more energy than it receives from the Sun. 
  • Because of its enormous size, it is the heaviest of all planets in our solar system
  •  Jupiter also known GURU, teacher of righteousness, justice, and self- illumination.
  •  As Gurus mirror the life of their students, being true perceptors and helpers, so does Jupiter help in the progress and expansion of consciousness of whatever it touches.
  • According to Hindu scriptures, Jupiter is a planet of courage, boldness, power, hard work, energy, knowledge, and speech. 

The Sun, Moon, and Mars are friends to Jupiter.

It rules over the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces, is exalted in Cancer, and debilitated in Capricorn. 

Gemini and Virgo are its signs of detriment. 


Number 3 people should meditate on Vishnu, who has four arms, is sky blue in color, and sits on his favorite snake shasha. With one arm he blesses, in the other he holds a chakra, in his third hand is a lotus, and in his fourth hand he holds a club. His face has a calming smile.


Number 3s are supposed to worship the preservation aspect of the Supreme Lord, known as Vishnu in the Hindu tradition.



Number 3 should repeat the above mantra 19,000 times within the ascending cycle of the moon.


Number 3 people can obtain benefits if on Thursdays they do the following: fast; offer homage to Jupiter; abstain from eating bananas; abstain from

(1) doing laundry, (2) shaving, (3) using cumin seeds,

 and (4) using oil for massage and in foods (ghee and butter can be used in foods).

Also, if on the full moon day they fast and observe a vow of silence, and at night rather than sleep they chant mantras and meditate, they can receive great help during these 24 hours. Hindus can recite Vishnu’s mantra and the Vishnu Sahasranam chant. To follow these practices on every full moon brings good luck and the satisfaction of all desires. 

Rahu and Number 4


rebellious, impulsive, short-tempered, secretive 

Rahu is the ruling planet of people born on day

 4, 13, 22, or 31 of any month

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